
The Seattle Public Library's most significant priority is to provide Library services to the community. Recognizing the remarkable architecture of the Central Library and neighborhood libraries, the Library permits filming and photography of its facilities, subject to certain restrictions.


Casual filming and photography

The Library allows visitors and patrons to engage in casual filming and photography while present in Library facilities and grounds. Library facilities and grounds are public spaces, and the Library cannot prevent and is not responsible for incidental filming or photography of Library visitors or patrons. Only handheld cameras may be used. Because of safety, liability and other concerns, the use of additional equipment, such as tripods or lighting, is not permitted.

Library staff members may terminate any filming or photography that appears to interfere with a patron's use of the Library or the Library's ability to conduct business. Library staff members will intervene if filming or photography appears to potentially compromise public safety or security.

Media representatives

Media representatives who want to take video or photographs in the Library must receive advance authorization from the Library's Communication Office, available at (206) 386-4103.

All other requests

All other individuals, nonprofits or commercial entities interested in taking video or photographs in the Library must contact the Library's Event Services Office at (206) 386-4659 for more information. Proof of insurance and other requirements will be necessary.


This procedure applies to all individuals and entities seeking to take video and/or photographs at the Central Library or any branch library, or on Library grounds.